D8.7 Dissemination and communication reporting
D8.7: Yearly reporting on the dissemination activities carried out by partners.
D6.3 Full clinical study validation results
D6.3: Clinical analysis of PERSIST impact and the expected results of the clinical studies. Detailed evaluation as a result of the four planned individual co-creation workshops is also included to cross check the potential of the PERSIST tool.
D6.2. Data collection and usability clinical study results
D6.2: This deliverable contains the analysis of usability questionnaire fulfilled by patients and the evaluation by clinical partners on how the lifestyle factors really intervene in the personalisation of the care plans that support the technical activities of the project. It also contains information about the outcomes of the clinical workshops organized in the project hospitals involving patients.
D5.8 High-risk markers for patient stratification
D5.8: This deliverable contain the update of of cohort and trajectory analysis introduced in D5.4, with the aim to identify high-risk markers for detrimental treatment effects (e.g., depression and anxiety disorder), subsequent cancer disease and for metastatic cancer disease.
D5.6 CDSS Evaluation Report
D5.6: Report containing the formal evaluation and validation of the CDSS – PERSIST clinical decision support system
D3.5 – Big Data platform final release and evaluation report
D3.5: This deliverable contains a list of test cases, evaluating user group definition and performance indicators that will be used to provide meaningful results on the patients.
D8.2. PERSIST project Online/Digital Presence
Project title:
Patients-centered SurvivorShIp care plan after Cancer treatments based on Big Data and Artificial Intelligence technologies
D8.6. Dissemination and Communication Report (year 2) and Updated Strategy Plan (year 3)
The aim of this deliverable is to provide a dissemination and communication report on activities for year 2 and an updated strategy plan for year 3 of project PERSIST.
D8.5. Dissemination and Communication Report (year 1) and Updated Strategy Plan (year 2)
The aim of this deliverable is to provide a dissemination and communication report on activities for year 1 and an updated strategy plan for year 2 of project PERSIST.